Mmmmm, Ice Cream!
Graeter's Ice Cream just opened their newest store within walking distance of the house. I absolutely love their Turtle Sundae. They mix caramel and hot fudge together and add in pecans to the mix before pouring it all over the ice cream flavor of your choice. Absolutely the best Turtle Sundae around.
To top it all off, City Barbeque was serving beef brisket and pork barbeques outside on the patio of their soon to be completed restaurant. Both types of meat had been cooked for many hours and had a wonderful taste and feel. I think that we'll have to go back when the whole restaurant is open and try out the rest of the menu. Since they share the same building with Graeter's, I wonder if we'll be able to order Graeter's desserts as part of our City Barbeque dinner?
Saturday September 13, 2003 · Permalink