Oh Dear, OpenOffice.org Doesn't Have Enough Bugs!
This report is so sad:
This week Microsoft Office once again affirmed its leadership in the office software world by releasing news of not one, two, or three, but five security holes. Meanwhile, OpenOffice.org, the primary open source competitor to MS Office, has no vulnerabilities to report. And OpenOffice developers say they have no plans to introduce Microsoft-competitive vulnerabilities, even though most PC users obviously consider insecurity a vital part of the computing experience.
Thanks Paul for the pointer
Saturday September 6, 2003 · Permalink
From the "you thought they'd check first file"
Microsoft contracted with Akamai to help weather a DDoS attack. While they did choose a leader in the content distribution technology, they forgot to look at what kind of servers were in use at Akamai: 15,000 Linux servers.
Thanks Jack for the pointer
Wednesday August 27, 2003 · Permalink
Munich's Choice of Linux over Microsoft
USA Today examined the decision that Munich made in it’s choice of Linux over Microsoft.
In the article, it is clear that folks making the financial decisions are beginning to realize what Microsoft has been up to recently:
.bq Though Microsoft underbid IBM and SuSE by $11.9 million in Munich, city officials were concerned about the unpredictable long-run cost of Microsoft upgrades, says Munich council member Christine Strobl, who championed the switch to Linux. And the more Microsoft discounted, the more it underscored the notion that as a sole supplier, Microsoft could—and has been—naming its own price, she says.
It will be interesting to see how SuSE and IBM capitalize on this deal with Munich.
Monday July 14, 2003 · Permalink
Sun still doesn't get Linux
Sun Microsystems is still in denial about the popularity of Linux in the corporate workplace. Internet Week reports remarks from a Sun Microsystems VP Robert Youngjohns at a Bear Stearns conference:
“Why do we think enthusiasm for Linux exists in the first place?”
“The enthusiasm isn’t about Linux, it’s about access to Intel and the ability to run Unix on what seems to be a cheaper platform.”
Go and read the article for yourself.
Thursday June 12, 2003 · Permalink
Linus on SCO v. IBM
From a ComputerWorld article:
“Quite frankly, I found it mostly interesting in a Jerry Springer kind of way. White trash battling it out in public, throwing chairs at each other. SCO crying about IBM’s other women. ... Fairly entertaining,” said Torvalds.
Wednesday June 4, 2003 · Permalink
CD Burning on Linux from the Command Line
IBM’s DeveloperWorks site has a nice article on burning CDs on Linux that covers the command line usage and options necessary for making disks that can be read on Linux or other OS types. It even includes readable instructions on creating multisession CDs.
Friday April 25, 2003 · Permalink
Managing RAID on Linux
Robert Nagle’s Slashdot book review of “Managing RAID on Linux” had a nice list of recommended readings for learning about software RAID on Linux
- Reliable Linux by Iaian Campbell, Wiley and Sons, Dec 2001, ISBN: 0471070408. Gives excellent information not only about RAID but on general Linux reliability issues.
- Software RAID in the Linux 2.4 Kernel by Daniel Robbins. (Part two).
- Linux Journal Article on Software RAID by Joe Edwards, Audin Malmin and Ron Shaker. (Part two).
- How to do a gentoo install on software RAID by Chris Atwood. Gentoo User Forum.
Wednesday February 12, 2003 · Permalink