HTML Dog - HTML and CSS guides and resources
I've ran across HTML Dog a few days ago (probably from a link at A List Apart).
I have spent quite a bit of time reading and refering back to the HTML and CSS guides that the proprietor, Patrick Griffiths, has put together. He also has put together an easily accessible reference to all valid strict XHTML tags.
Monday January 19, 2004 · Permalink
Great List of Web Design Resources
Seems like the folks at University of Minnesota at Duluth have put together an excellent categorized list of web design resources. Check it out.
Sunday January 11, 2004 · Permalink
CSS Crib Sheet
Mezzoblue has a listing of CSS notes that are very helpful:
You will no doubt come across many quirky layout issues when building a site with CSS. You’ll end up banging your head agaginst a the wall time and again. This is an attempt to make the design process easier, and provide a quick reference to check when you run into trouble.
Thanks DiveIntoMark
Thursday November 27, 2003 · Permalink
More Color Tools
Clagnut has collected a short list of color tools:
There are a number of really handy online colour tools coming to my notice. They all help the untrained or unreliable eye to come up with colour schemes based on complimentary and harmonious colours. And, with one exception, they all use very nifty DOM methods and valid XHTML.
Thanks DiveIntoMark
Thursday November 27, 2003 · Permalink
The 10 Biggest Spam Myths
Rebecca Leib has a very interesting list of the 10 biggest spam myths over at ClickZ. Particularly funny is number 8:
8. Microsoft is committed to helping end the spam epidemic.
It’s executives are certainly committed to saying they are. ...
(Thanks Techdirt)
Friday November 21, 2003 · Permalink
Sliding Doors of CSS
A List Apart has a nice article on improving the visual characteristics of CSS generated tabs
(Thanks Heal Your Church Website)
Monday October 27, 2003 · Permalink
Interactive Color Scheme Choosers
I’m not so good a picking out color schemes (as can be seen here, of course) but I do know what I like when I see it.
Kottke’s Remaindered Links points to a couple of nice interactive color choosers:
Sunday October 26, 2003 · Permalink
In boring training? Try this...
I certainly could have used this game during my week of SunCluster 3 training last week.
(Thanks Gadgetopia)
Saturday October 11, 2003 · Permalink
Freely Available Software for Windows
A discussion on Slashdot about essential software for a new home PC led to a comment about which contains a list of software that are thought to be the best of the freely available Windows software as determined by the Usenet alt.comp.freeware readers.
I’ll have to keep an eye on this list for when I’m forced/required to use Windows for extended periods of time.
Wednesday October 8, 2003 · Permalink
Formatting Lists with CSS
Listamatic is a great site showing many different formatting options for simple
lists using simple (or not so simple) CSS.
(Thanks Gadgetopia)
Monday September 8, 2003 · Permalink